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Cake PHP

CakePHP is a web application framework written in PHP, modeled after the concepts of Ruby on Rails.


  • Model, View, Controller Architecture
  • View Helpers for AJAX, Javascript, HTML Forms and more
  • Built-in Validation
  • Application Scaffolding
  • Application and CRUD code generation via Bake
  • Access Control Lists
  • Data Sanitization
  • Security, Session, and Request Handling Components
  • Flexible View Caching

Active, Friendly Community - Just join our IRC channel to see who s in. We d love to help you get started.

  1. Flexible License - Cake is distributed under the MIT License
  2. Clean IP - Every line of code was written by the CakePHP development team
  3. Extremely Simple - Just look at the name...It s Cake
  4. Rapid Development - Build apps faster than ever before
  5. Best Practices - Cake is easy to understand and sets the industry standard in security authentication, and session handling, among other features.
  6. OO - Whether you are a seasoned object-oriented programmer or a beginner, you ll feel comfortable
  7. No Configuration - Set-up the database and watch the magic begin

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